As Christmas draws even closer and the panic of present buying, card writing and family visiting is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, there’s usually just one thing that everyone’s looking forward to – Christmas dinner.
A momentous occasion which happens once a year, some of us may even look forward to devouring pigs in blankets and chewing on tender slices of turkey over enjoying our own birthdays. But is it really so terrible to assume that other families may have a tradition of going out for Christmas dinner? Truth is, every family will have their own routine on December 25th and deciding on a way to suit everybody is never an easy task.
Time, then, to draw up a list of pros and cons for going out or staying in for Christmas dinner.
3 Good Things About Cooking At Home

- If you do decide to stay at home and cook on Christmas day, first things first, you know exactly what you’re eating. For those people who may not be able to eat certain food groups such as gluten, dairy or meat, the best thing about eating or cooking at home is that you know exactly what has gone into your meal, or a family member or friend will at least be aware. This inevitably means less stress for you and you can simply enjoy your Christmas meal without worrying you’re eating the wrong thing.
- Christmas day should be relaxed and fun, for the cook as well as everyone else. It also means you can cook food at your own pace, prepare food in advance depending on preparation times, and realistically, it means you can spend a day cooking in your pjs if you really wish to. There’s also a glass of wine or two to be had while you prep.
- Is there anything more fulfilling after a hearty meal than knowing there’s a delicious box of chocolates to demolish on the sofa afterwards? Cooking at home on Christmas day means there’s no need to be rushed or have to worry about leaving the house at any point. It also means you can fall asleep afterwards while the kids play with their new toys. Ah, bliss.
The Cons Of Cooking Christmas Dinner At Home
- Of course, cooking at home won’t always be plain sailing. There’s food to prepare, a number of heads to think about, table settings to be laid, and there’s usually a fight over how many pigs in blankets or roast potatoes someone else has. The most important thing to remember is that you’ll most likely be cooking different food components at different times. This is when having 5 ovens would really come in handy.
- Getting up at 6 AM to put the turkey on is something no one really wants to do, especially when a lie in is truly deserved after a long build up to the big day. Not forgetting also that food shops at Christmas can be greatly expensive, so make sure you plan ahead and write lists ahead of time to make sure you’re not caught out with a £1000 food shopping bill.
- We all knew this one was coming, but washing up after a hearty Christmas meal is something no one wants to do. Not even the chef after preparing such a fantastic meal. The real downside to cooking at home at Christmas is the mess that is caused in the kitchen during the day. Various pots, pans, baking trays, plates, cutlery, no one enjoys cleaning up afterwards and that’s a fact.
Reason To Go Out For Your Christmas Meal

- Going out for food on Christmas Day doesn’t have to be drama. In fact, as more restaurants are now happy to cater for those who don’t wish to stay in on the most festive day of the year, dining out is becoming easier and more convenient than ever before. Getting out of the house during the day also means you don’t have to stress over cooking for hours on end and feel exhausted by the end of it. You are able to sit back, relax and spend some time with the family.
- One of the best things about eating out at Christmas is that not everyone has to eat the same main course. A large majority of restaurants will either have a set menu or give you several options to choose from. So for the vegetarians, vegans or dairy free members of the group, they don’t have to feel awkward about asking for something that is better suited for them. Everyone’s a winner.
- Depending on how many people you are dining with during the day, eating out may actually be cheaper than eating in. By staying at home, we tend to overspend on food items we won’t necessarily need or even eat. So in reality, eating a meal out means you are more inclined to order whatever you feel like at the time.
The Cons Of Going Out To Eat
- Some people love to stay in their pajamas all day at Christmas, whereas others may prefer to dress up and wear their prettiest frocks or shoes. Whatever your choice, if you choose to dine out, it means you have to actually get out of your dressing gown and make an effort for the occasion.
- They say that Christmas is a time for family, but if you dine out at a restaurant, just be aware there’s a high chance you won’t be dining alone. Other diners may have the same idea as you and will possibly have large groups with children, so prepare to sit in a room with a big rowdy group.
- Getting a taxi on Christmas day isn’t always the cheapest, or even easiest thing to do. So unless there is a designated driver who is willing to give up their glass of wine to drive other people around, going out to eat your Christmas meal means that you may not be able to drink with the rest of the group. Is this something you’re willing to sacrifice?
Overall, both staying in or going out for your Christmas meal have their pros and cons. But in reality, it all comes down to what you feel happiest doing. Whereas one person may thrive on cooking for a group of 15, another person may have the fear of being stuck indoors all day with family members. The choice really is yours to take.
If you are looking to book Christmas dinner for you and your loved ones, both 1565 Bar & Restaurant and Rofuto offer a wide variety of choices to accommodate all guests and will ensure merry and intimate Christmas celebrations!
For more information, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 0121 369 5555!