Back to school Birmingham

How To Get Ready To Go Back To School?

As the end of summer holidays approached, during which you might have enjoyed many days out in Birmingham, it is time to think about getting yourself and the kids ready to go back to school.

Hence, we thought we’d make the transition a little easier with our back to school guide – we’ve got the essentials ready, so that you don’t need to worry!

What back to school basics do I need?

The School Uniform

  • Four school polo shirts
  • Boys: two pairs of trousers and one pair of shorts (get belt if needed)
  • Girls: depending on what they’re most comfortable in – two pinafores, skirts, trousers
  • School Jumpers – one official school jumper and one plain for spare. If your child is prone to losing things, get another spare just incase!
  • Blazer (if necessary)
  • Tie (if necessary)
  • Black shoes appropriate for school
  • Socks
  • Lightweight waterproof coat
  • Winter coat
  • Summer hat
  • Woolly hat and gloves
  • Woven name tags

The PE Kit

  • Gym bag
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • T-shirt (ensure it adheres to school guidelines)
  • Spare pair of socks
  • Football/rugby boots (if necessary)
  • Swimming kit (if necessary)
  • Gum shields (if necessary

Essential School Items

  • Lunch box/ lunch bag
  • Water bottle
  • School bag
  • Book bag (provided by the school)
  • Music bag and musical instruments (if necessary)
  • Calculator
  • Pencil case
  • Rubber
  • Sharpener
  • Pens
  • Pencils
  • Colouring crayons/pencils
  • Ruler
  • Protractor (if necessary)

The School Run

Getting your kids ready for school is a nightmare – no one likes to wake up early. However, getting your children out of bed becomes your responsibility (until they’re old enough to do it themselves of course). The school run can often leave you feeling exhausted as well – Birmingham is notorious for traffic jams, especially at peak times, so it is important to plan the morning and at least try to stick to it. Here are a few tips:

  • Pack school bags and lunch boxes the night before.
  • Set your alarm at least half an hour before you need to wake up.
  • Ensure your house is fully stocked with coffee – you’ll need it!
  • Aim to be 15 minutes early – you’ll have some give in your routine should things go wrong.
  • Don’t park on double yellow lines or across someone else’s drive – it could end in an argument or parking ticket…
  • Time how long it takes to get to the school from your house  (if driving or using public transport add extra time for traffic).
  • There are many primary and secondary schools that have banned cars from parking outside the school – find out where you are legally allowed to park near the school.
  • If driving, source a road that is legal and safe to park on – even if it means you have to walk to the school.

On the kid’s first day back at school, take some time for yourself. Treat yourself to something nice in the Bullring (shopping is therapeutic if you don’t have children to worry about – we promise). You could even get to know the new school parents and have some lunch in Birmingham with friends, or enjoy some afternoon tea in Birmingham city centre.

If your little ones go to school in central Birmingham, then it makes sense to stay in the city centre – so it makes sense to relax and unwind at Park Regis….

To reserve a table at 1565 restaurant and bar in Park Regis, or book a table for afternoon tea, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Park Regis Birmingham team.

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